Product Spotlight Back Belt

Product Spotlight Back Belt

Back by popular demand we are now stocking our Spa Comforts Back Belt!

Summer fun is in full swing! Let the Spa Comforts Back Belt provide you with the relief you need!


Whether it’s a sore pulled muscle from the gym, or an ache, or pain from over activity, this back belt will provide the right therapy.


Microwave and let the warm therapy penetrate deep into sore, tight muscles or chill in the freezer and let the cold therapy treat acute injuries or cool you down on hot summer days.


The all natural rice grains release a moist heat to produce the most effective muscle penetrating relief, while our signature aroma-therapeutic blend of cinnamon, clove and eucalyptus releases a delicious aroma to uplift and delight your senses.

Back Belt

To get more ideas for using our product in Spas or your Retail Store, please contact Amy Hoppin at 831-345-6248 or email her at:

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